Coronavirus disease has taken world by storm. Currently, not even a single country is immune to this deadly disease. What has made the matters worse is the mental stress developed due to fear and anxiety of looming uncertainty. This may become more severe and take a toll on the overall health of the individuals who are hypertensives, suffering from anxiety and other mental disorders.

Various global health organizations including World Health Organization (WHO), Center for Disease Control (CDC) etc. have raised concerns about the impact of coronavirus related stress in population at large. While it is totally unavoidable to keep yourself in complete abeyance but one can keep himself away from the stress by avoiding the following avoidable:

  1. While it is important to stay informed, but one should not be obsessively checking the news. It is highly advisable that we should fix the time and duration of watching the news on Television and social media feeds related to this pandemic. Watching upsetting news time and again will cause unnecessary anxiety and distress.
  2. The source of information shall be trustworthy and reliable. One should always rely in the information provided by National Government and organizations of repute viz, WHO, CDC etc. Social media feeds and TRP mongering news channels may rather fuel anxiety and panic.
  3. Don’t share unreliable information on your social media feeds. While it is important to receive the correct information but it is more important that one should not unknowingly become the medium of transmitting rumors.
  4. Practice social distancing physically but not emotionally. It is very important to practice social distancing but as a human we need to interact and share emotions and well-being with our friends and loved ones. Hence, we should not isolate ourselves completely but should interact or share a thought over phone, email, social media and in-person at a safe distance. Please ensure while interacting coronavirus should be the last thing in your mind.
  5. Don’t keep yourself idle. Although it’s an unfortunate way of getting time for yourself, but one should not let this opportunity go. Do something creative, cooking, painting, reading or anything that you always wanted do but couldn’t due to hectic lifestyle.
  6. Don’t plan to much. Do not think too much into the future. Let it remain in the womb of time. Think positive and say to yourself that “This too will pass.” Try to avoid “What-if” to bother you much.
  7. COVID-19 has affected people from almost every country across the globe. It is not limited to any particular ethnicity and nationality. Hence, attaching the same to the people of certain ethnicity or nationality will be unjust. One should be sympathetic towards everyone who has suffered from this dreaded disease. They deserve our support, compassion and kindness.
  8. Avoid spreading any negative news about any case.
  9. Avoid taking alcohol or any other kind of drugs. Also avoid self-medication.
  10. Avoid making assumptions. Assuming the spread of disease, number of affected individuals, effect on economy, sociopolitical effects shall be avoided. This is only going to add to your woes.

Now, the question arises then what to do and how to raise the spirits to overcome this situation:

  1. Have a plenty of sleep. Sleep not only relaxes your mind but also support your immune system.
  2. Eat healthy and have balance meals.
  3. Do meditation as it will calm your body and soul.
  4. Do indoor exercises and try to stay fit.
  5. Make a schedule and perform the daily activities accordingly. Untimely eating, sleeping, working and exercising may affect your entire system.
  6. Try to do all the activities that you enjoy viz. cooking, reading, painting, writing etc.
  7. Try to help others. Nothing gives you a better satisfaction than becoming a reason for other’s smile. Help the needy with food, clothing, emotional support, motivation and counselling.

By following the above-mentioned principles, we believe that you will definitely be able to “Avoid the Avoidable Mental Stress” that could affect your well-being.