World Health Organization (WHO) in March, 2021 has come up with revised stability conditions for WHO Member States. The list is prepared on the basis of information obtained from following sources:

  1. Respective regional harmonization groups (e.g. ASEAN, ICH and GCC).
  2. From official communications from national medicines regulatory authorities to WHO.
  3. Information collated during the 13th International Conference of Drug Regulatory Authorities (ICDRA), 16–18 September 2008, held in Berne Switzerland, from representatives of national medicines regulatory authorities.
  4. Information provided by the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA).

The country-wise long term stability conditions are as follows:



Regional Office for Africa (AFRO)
Algeria 25°C/60% RH
Angola 30°C/65% RH
Benin 30°C/65% RH
Botswana 30°C/50% RH
Burkina Faso 30°C/60% RH
Burundi 30°C/65% RH
Cameroon 30°C/75% RH
Cape Verde 30°C/65% RH
Central African Republic 30°C/75% RH
Chad 30°C/65% RH
Comoros 30°C/80% RH
Congo 30°C/65% RH
Côted’ Ivoire 30°C/65% RH
Democratic Republic of the Congo 30°C/65% RH
  Equatorial Guinea 30°C/65% RH
Eritrea 30°C/65% RH
Ethiopia 30°C/65% RH
Gabon 30°C/65% RH
Gambia 30°C/65% RH
Ghana 30°C/75% RH
Guinea 30°C/65% RH
Guinea-Bissau 30°C/65% RH
Kenya 30°C/65% RH
Lesotho 30°C/75% RH
Liberia 30°C/65% RH
Madagascar 30°C/65% RH
Malawi 25°C/60% RH
Mali 30°C/65% RH
Mauritania 30°C/65% RH
Mauritius 30°C/65% RH
Mozambique 30°C/75% RH
Namibia 30°C/65% RH
Niger 30°C/65% RH
Nigeria 30°C/75% RH
Rwanda 30°C/65% RH
Sao Tome and Principe 30°C/75% RH
Senegal 30°C/65% RH
Seychelles 30°C/65% RH
Sierra Leone 30°C/75% RH
South Africa 25°C/60% RH
Swaziland 25°C/60% RH
Togo 30°C/75% RH
Uganda 30°C/65% RH
United Republic of Tanzania 30°C/75% RH
Zambia 25°C/60% RH or 30°C/65% RH
Zimbabwe 30°C/75% RH


Regional Office for the Americas (AMRO)
Antigua and Barbuda 30°C/75% RH
Argentina 25°C/60% RH
Bahamas 30°C/65% RH
Barbados 30°C/75% RH
Belize 30°C/65% RH
Bolivia 30°C/70% RH or 30°C/75% RH
Brazil 30°C/75% RH
Canada 25°C/60% RH or 30°C/65% RH
Chile 25°C/60% RH
Colombia 30°C/75% RH
Costa Rica 30°C/65% RH
Cuba 30°C/75% RH
Dominica 30°C/65% RH
Dominican Republic 30°C/65% RH
Ecuador 30°C/65% RH
El Salvador 30°C/65% RH
Grenada 30°C/65% RH
Guatemala 30°C/65% RH
Guyana 30°C/70% RH or 30°C/75% RH
Haiti 30°C/65% RH
Honduras 30°C/65% RH
Jamaica 30°C/65% RH
Mexico 25°C/60% RH
Nicaragua 30°C/65% RH
Panama 30°C/75% RH
Paraguay 30°C/65% RH
Peru 30°C/75% RH
Saint Kitts and Nevis 30°C/65% RH
Saint Lucia 30°C/75% RH
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 30°C/75% RH
Suriname 30°C/70% RH or 30 °C/75% RH
Trinidad and Tobago 30°C/65% RH
United States of America 25°C/60% RH or 30°C/65% RH
Uruguay 25°C/60% RH
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 30°C/70% RH or 30 °C/75% RH


Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean (EMRO)
Afghanistan 30°C/65% RH
Bahrain 30°C/65% RH
Djibouti 30°C/65% RH
Egypt 30°C/65% RH
Iran (Islamic Republic of)  30°C/65% RH
Iraq 30°C/35% RH
Jordan  30°C/65% RH
Kuwait  30°C/65% RH
Lebanon  25°C/60% RH
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 25°C/60% RH
Morocco 25°C/60% RH
Oman 30°C/65% RH
Pakistan 30°C/65% RH
Qatar 30°C/65% RH
Saudi Arabia 30°C/65% RH
Somalia 30°C/65% RH
Sudan 30°C/65% RH
Syrian Arab Republic 25°C/60% RH
Tunisia 25°C/60% RH
United Arab Emirates 30°C/65% RH
Yemen 30°C/65% RH


Regional Office for Europe (EURO)
Albania 25°C/60% RH
Andorra 25°C/60% RH
Armenia 25°C/60% RH
Austria 25°C/60% RH or 30°C/65% RH
Azerbaijan 25°C/60% RH
Belarus 25°C/60% RH
Belgium 25°C/60% RH or 30°C/65% RH
Bosnia and Herzegovina 25°C/60% RH
Bulgaria 25°C/60% RH or 30°C/65% RH
Croatia 25°C/60% RH
Cyprus 25°C/60% RH or 30°C/65%RH
Czech Republic 25°C/60% RH or 30°C/65% RH
Denmark 25°C/60% RH or 30°C/65% RH
Estonia 25°C/60% RH or 30°C/65% RH
Finland 25°C/60% RH or 30°C/65% RH
France 25°C/60% RH or 30°C/65% RH
Georgia 25°C/60% RH
Germany 25°C/60% RH or 30°C/65% RH
Greece 25°C/60% RH or 30°C/65% RH
Hungary 25°C/60% RH or 30°C/65% RH
Iceland 25°C/60% RH
Ireland 25°C/60% RH or 30°C/65% RH
Israel 30°C/70% RH or 30°C/75% RH
Italy 25°C/60% RH or 30°C/65% RH
Kazakhstan 25°C/60% RH
Kyrgyzstan 25°C/60% RH
Latvia 25°C/60% RH or 30°C/65% RH
Lithuania 25°C/60% RH or 30°C/65% RH
Luxembourg 25°C/60% RH or 30°C/65% RH
Malta 25°C/60% RH or 30°C/65% RH
Monaco 25°C/60% RH or 30 °C/65% RH
Montenegro 25°C/60% RH
Netherlands 25°C/60% RH or 30°C/65% RH
Norway 25°C/60% RH
Poland 25°C/60% RH or 30°C/65% RH
Portugal 25°C/60% RH or 30°C/65% RH
Republic of Moldova 25°C/60% RH
Romania 25°C/60% RH or 30°C/65% RH
Russian Federation 25°C/60% RH
San Marino 25°C/60% RH
Serbia 25°C/60% RH
Slovakia 25°C/60% RH or 30°C/65% RH
Slovenia 25°C/60% RH or 30°C/65% RH
Spain 25°C/60% RH or 30°C/65% RH
Sweden 25°C/60% RH or 30°C/65% RH
Switzerland 25°C/60% RH or 30°C/65% RH
Tajikistan 25°C/60% RH
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 25°C/60% RH or 30 °C/65% RH
Turkey 25°C/60%RH
Turkmenistan 25°C/60%RH
Ukraine 25°C/60%RH
United Kingdom 25°C/60% RH or 30°C/65% RH
Uzbekistan 25°C/60% RH


Regional Office for South-East Asia (SEARO)
Bangladesh 30°C/65% RH
Bhutan 30°C/65% RH
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 25°C/60% RH
India 30°C/70% RH
Indonesia 30°C/75% RH
Maldives 30°C/65% RH
Myanmar 30°C/75% RH
Nepal 30°C/75% RH
Sri Lanka 30°C/65% RH
Thailand 30°C/75% RH
Timor-Leste 30°C/65% RH


Regional Office for the Western Pacific (WPRO)
Australia 25°C/60% RH or 30°C/65% RH
Brunei Darussalam 30°C/75% RH
Cambodia 30°C/75% RH
China 30°C/65% RH
Cook Islands 30°C/65% RH
Fiji 30°C/65% RH
Japan 25°C/60% RH or 30°C/65% RH
Kiribati 30°C/65% RH
Lao People’s Democratic Republic 30°C/75% RH
Malaysia 30°C/75% RH
Marshall Islands 30°C/65% RH
Micronesia (Federated States of) 30°C/65% RH
Mongolia 25°C/60% RH
Nauru 30°C/65% RH
New Zealand 25°C/60% RH or 30 °C/65% RH
Niue 30°C/65% RH
Palau 30°C/65% RH
Papua New Guinea 30°C/65% RH
Philippines 30°C/75% RH
Republic of Korea 25°C/60% RH or 30 °C/65% RH
Samoa 30°C/65% RH
Singapore 30°C/75% RH
Solomon Islands 30°C/65% RH
Tonga 30°C/65% RH
Tuvalu 30°C/65% RH
Vanuatu 30°C/65% RH
Vietnam 30°C/75% RH


The above mentioned revision is Appendix 1 to  Annex 2, WHO Technical Report Series 953, 2018 (Update March 2021).

Reference:  Appendix 1 to  Annex 2, WHO Technical Report Series 953, 2018